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Hot Air Balloons (Grades 2, 3, 4, & 5) Special Event: You don't need to be present to win!

We'll be rewarding extra prizes for this event!

Make at home.

If you can't come to the event, make sure you turn in your Hot Air Balloon to Mrs. Vitale by Friday, April 20th. Write your name on your balloon.

Here are the rules for Hot Air Balloons: Each team of 2 to 4 participants will build a tissue paper hot air balloon at home to bring with them to the competition. The longest time aloft in the air wins!

We're using a heat gun in a metal vent to inflate the balloons with hot air. The base of your balloon must fit over the circumference of the vent, so the base of the balloon must be slightly bigger than 17.25 in circumference and 5.5 in diameter.

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